Friday, July 31, 2015

Thank You 'Always'!

Always, an American company that specializes in producing feminine hygiene products, is conducting a campaign called "#LikeAGirl"; and the ads that have been featured thus far are truly inspirational! 

The aim for the campaign is to raise awareness of the devastating drop of confidence that girls experience during puberty (on average, around the age of 12) as a result of society's patriarchal attitudes and practices. Such attitudes and practices have included belittling ambitions, gender shaming, and physical critiques. 

The inspiring message, however, comes from the showcasing of how strong females can be when encouraged to go against the grain.

Although it is not the first or the only one that has been made, the following video -called "Unstoppable" -is surely my favorite commercial (thus far) of the #LikeAGirl campaign. After watching it, I hope that you, too, will take an interest and show your support for Always. 

Show your support for a future society that encourages (authentic) femininity.